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The Nashville State Community College Foundation utilizes a number of initiatives, campaigns, and events to raise money for our students. Your support will help remove the barriers that students face so that they can continue earning a quality education at Nashville State.


Our work is primarily focused on two major initiatives – Beyond Financial Aid and Nashville GRAD

Beyond Financial Aid

Tuition and Fees are just the beginning of paying for college. Recognizing that students face a myriad of challenges that can often derail them from completion of a degree, the Foundation deploys specials supports to help students stay on track. Supports include textbook assistance, transportation aid in the form of bus passes, groceries from our Campus Cupboard, childcare assistance and even help for emergency situations like utilities and rent.

The NSCC Foundation serves over a thousand students each year.

Scholarships and Endowments

Scholarships provide a meaningful way to recognize and reward outstanding student performance and/or provide incentive for students to pursue specific disciplines. Criteria can be established by the donor and if desired, donors can participate in the selection process. Scholarships can be structured as annual awards of any amount or an endowment may be established with a minimum gift of $20,000. With endowments, annual interest earnings are awarded in perpetuity.

Nashville GRAD and FLEX

Nashville GRAD (full-time) and Nashville FLEX (part-time) provides targeted financial assistance and intensive academic supports to students at Nashville State Community College clearing their path to economic prosperity, helping them graduate with the skills they need to obtain higher wage, high-demand jobs in our growing local economy. GRAD and FLEX are available to Davidson County residents.

Early College

An innovative, multi-year program where cohorts enroll in college courses each year of high school with special summer programming for college readiness and career exploration. Building on the Better Together partnership between Nashville State and MNPS, students obtain college credits toward an associate degree at no cost while fulfilling requirements for a high school diploma. The classes will take place on the high school’s campus. There is current an early college at Whites Creek High School and planning is currently underway for an Early College at Glencliff High School.

Additional Campaigns & Events

Engraved Brick Campaign

Honor an alumni, friend or family. Memorialize a loved one. Call out a special NSCC memory. 

Create a lasting impression and support Nashville State Community College by purchasing an engraved commemorative brick. 4×8 bricks are available for $150 each. Fill out the form below to order your brick. 


Each brick can have up to three lines of text with no more than 15 characters (including spaces and CANNOT include special characters).

Engraved Brick Purchase Form 


Please email completed form to


Tennessee Flavors 

Tennessee Flavors is an annual tasting event that brings together Nashville’s top restaurants and food and beverage artisans for a delicious evening in support of the Nashville State Community College Foundation. 


Tennessee Flavors 2024 will be held on Tuesday, March 5 from 6-8 PM at Nashville State's Southeast Campus in Antioch.

The Falcon Awards

Nashville State Community College Foundation will host our annual Falcon Awards ceremony celebrating our Alumni. The Falcon Awards will highlight outstanding Nashville State alumni, donors and friends in recognition of significant professional achievement and service to their community.

The Falcon Awards will be held in October from 6-8 PM. Location TBA.

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